
Last Updated on August 9, 2022 by Umer Malik

Productivity is essential in this day and age. No matter the industry, people are always on the hunt for ways to improve their output and efficiency. While all productivity techniques are great in their own right, there is one booster that is natural and simple as breathing- sleep.

Adequate sleep, both in a good setting and in sufficient amounts can have a substantial impact on your overall productivity, regardless of the activity. If you are searching for ways to become more productive, this article will provide great reasons why getting better sleep should be at the top of your list

What is the Relationship Between Productivity & Sleep? 

It does not take a genius to see the connection between sleep and productivity. Everyone knows that tiredness and exhaustion result in low performance in any activity. Your thoughts become foggy, energy becomes drained, making it hard to do anything optimally. However, in order to truly get a healthy view of the importance of quality sleep, we must first look at how the lack of adequate sleep can affect your body, mind as well as productivity. 

1. Physical Health and Sleep Deprivation

When you lack quality sleep, your body is usually the first area to feel different. That’s because it uses the time you sleep to heal and recharge. When sleeping becomes impossible, you will quickly notice the following effects: 

-Poor body coordination even during everyday activities

-High blood pressure


-Weight gain

In addition to these more apparent symptoms, lack of adequate sleep can also increase the chances of developing heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. 

2. Mental Health and Sleep Deprivation

In addition to an array of physical health issues, the lack of quality sleep can also have severe effects on your mental health and manifest in states like:



-Poor emotional health

-Lack of concentration

-Poor social interactions

In addition, things like chronic physical pain can contribute to depression, which in turn, affects sleep, resulting to a vicious mental and physical sleep deprivation loop. 

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3. Productivity and Sleep Deprivation

The mental and physical effects of failure to get adequate sleep are important on their own, given your overall health is on the line. However, if you are specifically interested in improving your productivity, it is imperative to look at how these side effects can affect your ability to operate in the workplace. 

The lack of quality sleep for an extended period tends to have an impact on productivity in multiple ways. This includes:

-Making unusual mistakes

-Being prone to forgetting

-Being susceptible to anger and mood swings

-Experiencing overall poor work performance

-Burning out over time

In addition to these effects, if you do a physical job, you put yourself in even more health severity as the body cannot handle the demands in an under-rested condition.

So, How do You Improve Sleep and Productivity as a Result? 

With the perspective and comprehension of the severity of sleep deprivation, it’s is time to look at how you can handle the issue. Fortunately, we have a number of simple and straightforward expert tips. In addition, you do not have to learn new productivity tips for substantial results. Simply being well-rested will naturally boost your energy, efficiency, and as a result, productivity. 

With that being said, here are some simple and effective tips to help you get quality sleep every night. 

(i) Create a Sleep Schedule

The body can only thrive when it is in synchronization with its internal clock. For most individuals, this entails getting plenty of sunlight and exercise during the day and sleeping well in darkness during the night. 

This brings us to having your body in a rhythm. Failure to maintain a consistent pattern when it comes to sleep and waking up will ultimately throw your body off, making it hard to sleep. That’s why creating a sleep schedule is our number one tip. Basically, it involves creating a time window between 8 and 10, where you try to go to sleep. The same should be the case during the morning hours. Pick a time where you easily sleep and stick to it, even on the weekends. 

(ii) Count Up the Hours

Scientists recommend adults should sleep between 7 and 9 hours each night, with at least 7 of uninterrupted sleep. If you are uncertain about how much sleep you get each night, it is time to keep track. A sleep journal or even some apps can help make this easy. Write down the time you get into bed, the time you wake up as well as the quality of sleep. Do not forget to include the time(s) you woke up during the night, how long it took you to get back to sleep, etc. With this information, you will soon have an idea of the number of hours you actually sleep. 

(iii) Avoid Distractions

There’s a multitude of things that can affect the quality of sleep, particularly when done an hour or two before bedtime. These include:


-Using smartphones, laptops, computers, TVs etc. 

-Consuming alcohol, nicotine, alcohol, and other mind or body-altering substances

Avoid these right before bedtime.

(iv) Create a Dedicated Sleeping Environment

Lastly, it is important to make your bedroom a sleeping space and nothing else. A few of the things you can improve to make it optimal include:

-Keeping the bedroom dark with blinds and curtains when it is bedtime

-Using the bedroom just for sleep

-Getting a diffuser for aromatherapy

-Ensuring you have a comfortable mattress and pillow

-Find the ideal furniture to keep your bedroom clutter free. Read these Burrow’s Furniture pros and cons.

In addition to these, ensure the bedroom is clean and tidy. A neat environment helps keep that OCD and stress to a minimum. Also, clutter is known to affect the mind, so keep things clean and organized. 

To reiterate, it is important that you have a different working space. Many people have a habit of working, playing video games, eating, and watching TV in the bedroom. This only makes the body tuned to all these activities, making it hard to fall asleep easily when it’s time. The same way a workstation should inspire productivity, the same way the bedroom should put you in a sleeping mood.

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