Is Chewing Gum Healthy?

Last Updated on August 13, 2022 by Umer Malik

You may chew gum everyday and ask yourself “is chewing gum healthy?”.

Fortunately, it’s not bad for you. However, you should know what something that you put in your body everyday is doing to you.

As you read through this guide, you’ll learn about the potential health benefits of chewing gum. Moreover, you’ll learn about a couple of side effects you may encounter. Afterward, you’ll know whether you should chew more gum.

3 Benefits of Chewing Gum

Throughout this section, we’ll cover some of the various health benefits of gum. These benefits will range from helping various areas throughout your body—whether it’s your mouth or with weight management.

Can Prevent Overeating, Which Contributes to Weight Loss

Some studies suggest that regularly chewing gum can potentially reduce your appetite. Because of this, you’ll prevent yourself from overeating and thus could help you lose weight.

Reduces Bacteria in Your Mouth

Is gum good for your teeth? Absolutely. The ingredient xylitol, which is usually found in sugar-free and low calorie gum, has been documented to reduce bad bacteria in patients’ mouths by up to 75%.

Not only will chewing gum reduce bad breath caused by bacteria, but it’ll also help protect your teeth from cavities and other oral diseases.

May Reduce the Impact of GERD

GERD, or Gastroesophageal reflux disease, is when stomach acid flows through your esophagus and toward your heart. Usually, this digestive disease will lead to symptoms like:

  • Heartburn
  • Potential damage to your teeth
  • Sore throat

However, chewing gum stimulates your saliva glands, which may help ease some of the many symptoms of GERD.

What Are Potential Side Effects of Chewing Gum?

While chewing gum has various effects, it has a couple of side effects that you should keep in mind. While they’re not likely to happen, they’re still scenarios that you should keep in mind before purchasing a pack of gum.

Can Lead To Rare Jaw Conditions

Excessive gum chewing has, in rare circumstances, led to a problem in some patient’s jaws known as temporomandibular disorder (TMD). If you’re paranoid of this happening, limit the amount you chew daily.

Greater Risk of Tooth Decay

If you choose sugary gum, your oral bacteria will metabolize some of the ingredients, which may otherwise lead to your enamel eroding. However, if you opt for a zero calorie gum or one that uses alternative sweeteners, you may reduce the likelihood of this potential side effect.

Is Chewing Gum Healthy Overall?

While there are more studies that scientists need to perform, many studies suggest that chewing gum is healthy. Moreover, it doesn’t come with many side effects. Therefore, you may want to consider chewing gum more often to see whether it makes a difference.

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