5 Mistakes New Pet Parents Make Often

Last Updated on August 10, 2022 by

When it comes to pet parenting, there are a lot of things to learn. Many responsibilities need to be handled diligently. Right from feeding them nutritious food and taking care of their hygiene to spending quality time with them, you’re solely responsible for their health and happiness. Owning a pet for the first time can be sometimes troublesome in the early days. Here are the 5 most common mistakes new pet owners make.


Sadly, a major mistake that many beginners make is overfeeding their fur pal. Overfeeding pets can lead to obesity, which prevents them from exercising and staying active.

Getting your pet examined by visiting DCC Animal Hospital is the best way to determine whether your pet is overweight or not. Moreover, their expert team of vets can guide you about the dietary requirements as per the weight and breed of your pet.

Inactivity & Lack of Exercises

Lack of exercise can lead to physical complications as well as behavioral issues. Some pets require more exercise than others, but the majority of them require more than just short walks. Make sure you take out some time from your schedule to go for a walk or play with your furball. To provide your pet with a well-rounded activity, try some game-based exercises.

Not Socializing

Socialization helps a pet get comfortable with their surroundings, other animals, children, adults, objects, and various scenarios. The lack of socialization can cause pets to develop fear along with other behavioral issues.

Consult your veterinary doctor about pet socialization activities that might be suitable for your pet.

The Pet Activity Service at DCC Animal Hospital is designed to provide top-notch personalized exposure to your furry friend to make them socialize.

Offering Table Scraps

Eating leftover food is not the same as eating a balanced meal. Therefore, feeding your pet from the table is not a good idea. Even a teaspoon of table scraps might cause stomach problems, diarrhea, and allergies in pets. The ideal pet food depends on the size, age, and breed of your pet.

Always consult your veterinarian if you have any queries about your furry companion. This will help you avoid any challenges while ensuring the safety of your pet.

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Avoiding Veterinarian

Are you one of those people who puts off going to the vet until your pet falls ill? To be frank, you’re not alone. Many pet owners avoid or postpone routine veterinarian visits unless something bothers their pets. Your pet may appear healthy and happy, but that doesn’t mean that he/she is fit and free of diseases. Your veterinarian plays an essential role in maintaining the health of your pet.

Routine wellness checkups can help veterinarians identify minor health issues before they become a real problem. These regular visits to the pet doctor also help strengthen the bond between you, your pet, and the veterinarian, thereby making it simpler to diagnose and treat the ailment. In addition to wellness checks, you should follow your veterinarian’s advice on how to take care of your pet in the best way.

So, with these common pet parenting mistakes in mind, you can be the perfect pet parent! Schedule an appointment with DCC Animal Hospital & Petcare today.

Read more: How to Move Pets Across the Country